
Showing posts from May, 2012

Gameweek 38 Captain Data

<a href="#"><img alt="Captain Data " src="" style="border: none" /></a> Powered by Tableau P90 Points scored per 90 minutes at home/away based on this week's opponents QG% Percentage of games played where the player scored 6 or more points xPct The percentage of his team's goals a player has accounted for, multiplied by the expected goals for this week Rating Based on the player's rankings in the other three categories. Note: above data assumes 90 minutes of action, with rotation risk not being factored in. The data hasn't liked anyone as much as Aguero this week for some ti...

Gameweek 38 Preview

<a href="#"><img alt="Weekly Rankings " src="" style="border: none" /></a> Powered by Tableau CS  Clean sheets kept at home/away based on this week's fixture  Opp FTS  Number of times this week's opponent has failed to score at home/away  GPG Conceded  Predicted goals conceded this week based on a team and their opponent's performance this season  Opp CS  Clean sheets kept at home/away by a team's opponent  GPG Scored  Predicted goals scored this week based on a team and their opponent's performance this season. H...

Gameweek 37 Captain Data

<a href="#"><img alt="Dashboard 1 " src="" style="border: none" /></a> Powered by Tableau P90  Points scored per 90 minutes at home/away based on this week's opponents  QG% Percentage of games played where the player scored 6 or more points  xPct  The percentage of his team's goals a player has accounted for,...

Gameweek 37 Preview

<a href="#"><img alt="Weekly Rankings " src="" style="border: none" /></a> Powered by Tableau CS  Clean sheets kept at home/away...